Idiot Senators
Watching and listening to the opening statements of the Senate Judiciary Committee today, I became increasingly disheartened. I can't believe some of these folks are U.S. Senators.
Mike DeWine of OH argued that the Supreme Court should make its decisions according to the popular will of the people. Under that standard, civil rights would still be governed by Plessy v. Ferguson.
Ted Kennedy of MA, in his usual verb-less rhetoric, went over the top in attacking Judge Alito's integrity. I strongly disagree with Alito, think he should have recused himself from the case involving the Vanguard Fund (in which he had invested) -- though Justice Breyer had a similar ethical situation in his legal career -- and don't want the man on the court, but Alito appears to be a man of integrity. I hope the decision on his confirmation turns on issues and not ad hominem attacks.
But, Jeff Sessions of AL really takes the cake. Not only does he sound like Forrest Gump, he comes across as an individual who has the same IQ level. When Russ Feingold of WI followed Sessions, you could just see Feingold thinking, "I can't believe this guy has the same job as I do."
Mike DeWine of OH argued that the Supreme Court should make its decisions according to the popular will of the people. Under that standard, civil rights would still be governed by Plessy v. Ferguson.
Ted Kennedy of MA, in his usual verb-less rhetoric, went over the top in attacking Judge Alito's integrity. I strongly disagree with Alito, think he should have recused himself from the case involving the Vanguard Fund (in which he had invested) -- though Justice Breyer had a similar ethical situation in his legal career -- and don't want the man on the court, but Alito appears to be a man of integrity. I hope the decision on his confirmation turns on issues and not ad hominem attacks.
But, Jeff Sessions of AL really takes the cake. Not only does he sound like Forrest Gump, he comes across as an individual who has the same IQ level. When Russ Feingold of WI followed Sessions, you could just see Feingold thinking, "I can't believe this guy has the same job as I do."