Monday, February 17, 2025

Trump's economic illiteracy

Trump posted on X today, “On Trade, I have decided, for purposes of Fairness, that I will charge a RECIPROCAL Tariff meaning, whatever Countries charge the United States of America, we will charge them - No more, no less!

For purposes of this United States Policy, we will consider Countries that use the VAT System, which is far more punitive than a Tariff, to be similar to that of a Tariff. Sending merchandise, product, or anything by any other name through another Country, for purposes of unfairly harming America, will not be accepted. In addition, we will make provision for subsidies provided by Countries in order to take Economic advantage of the United States. Likewise, provisions will be made for Nonmonetary Tariffs and Trade Barriers that some Countries charge in order to keep our product out of their domain or, if they do not even let U.S. businesses operate. We are able to accurately determine the cost of these Nonmonetary Trade Barriers. It is fair to all, no other Country can complain and, in some cases, if a Country feels that the United States would be getting too high a Tariff, all they have to do is reduce or terminate their Tariff against us. There are no Tariffs if you manufacture or build your product in the United States.

For many years, the U.S. has been treated unfairly by other Countries, both friend and foe. This System will immediately bring Fairness and Prosperity back into the previously complex and unfair System of Trade. America has helped many Countries throughout the years, at great financial cost. It is now time that these Countries remember this, and treat us fairly – A LEVEL PLAYING FIELD FOR AMERICAN WORKERS. I have instructed my Secretary of State, Secretary of Commerce, Secretary of the Treasury, and United States Trade Representative (USTR) to do all work necessary to deliver RECIPROCITY to our System of Trade!”

Because Trump is an economic illiterate, he has no clue how destructive his plan will be. Tariffs will no longer be in the 10-25% range, but in the 40-45% range. Trump still does not understand that other countries don’t pay the tariffs, but U.S. consumers! Inflation is certain to go up, likely exceeding the 9.5% reached briefly during the Biden administration. Add to this the DOGE cuts coming to Social Security and Medicare in order to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy, and the only growth industry in the U.S. will be soup kitchens. 

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Kennedy is a dangerous pick

 Robert Kennedy, Jr., was confirmed this week as Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS). He is a dangerous choice for the job as he has advocated a number of bizarre conspiracy theories over the last three decades. 

Perhaps the most troubling conspiracy theory that Robert Kennedy, Jr., has advanced is that vaccines are linked to autism. This debunked theory did not start with Kennedy, but in the aftermath of a small study conducted by Dr. Anthony Wakefield in the United Kingdom. His 1998 study, published in the prestigious medical journal, The Lancet, concluded that vaccines were connected to autism. A later investigation called the findings of Wakefield’s study into question, and the study was retracted by The Lancet. But that did not deter the growing anti-vaccination crowd. Kennedy joined the anti-vaxx bandwagon by claiming that the vaccine preservative thimerosal was linked to the autism. Further, Kennedy charged that the government knew of the link by “knowingly allowed the pharmaceutical industry to poison an entire generation of American children.” Research by a number of centers, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the World Health Organization (WHO) could find no link between vaccines or their preservatives and autism. 

Kennedy has been a major promoter of “raw milk” – unpasteurized milk that can contain the same nutrition as pasteurized milk, but contains dangerous germs as well. Kennedy has charged that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) engages in “aggressive suppression” of products “that advance human health and can't be patented by” the pharmaceutical industry. Towards that end, Kennedy has announced that he will seek a ban on pharmaceutical advertising. 

Kennedy is very much against the fluoridation of water. Fluoride has been added to the public water system since the 1960s to prevent tooth decay. He tweeted on November 2, 2024, that “fluoride is an industrial waste associated with arthritis, bone fractures, bone cancer, IQ loss, neurodevelopmental disorders, and thyroid disease.” He based his views on a 2024 report that linked high levels of fluoride to lower IQ scores in children. But the levels of fluoride used in fluoridation programs is much lower than the levels in the 2024 report. Further, research over the last 60 years has shown the used of fluoride in water to be safe. 

Kennedy also has suggested that Wifi and 5G technologies cause health problems. He claimed on a June 2024 Joe Rogan podcast that Wifi “radiation” will “open you blood brain barrier” to toxins. His charge runs counter to considerable research that demonstrates that neither Wifi nor 5G is linked to any illnesses. 

Kennedy has promoted other conspiracies, such as AIDS is not caused by HIV or that mass shootings are linked to anti-depressants such as Prozac. But perhaps the most controversial recent conspiracy has been that Kennedy proposed in a 2023 video where he declared that “Covid-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.” The health community pushed back hard on Kennedy, stating “The claims of Robert F Kennedy Jr are very damaging given they do not follow scientific evidence.” Research clearly demonstrates that differences in COVID infections among ethnic groups is related to inequalities. 

What is remarkable is that even one of these bizarre medical beliefs should have disqualified Kennedy from even being Secretary of HHS. Instead, he was narrowly confirmed. It’s going to be a dangerous time in health care.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Vance is a fool and a hypocrite

 I had to take a bit of time off from blogging because watching the various effects of the nonviolent coup occurring in this country has been hard to keep up with. But yesterday's disgusting speech by J.D.Vance at the Munich Security Conference was too much to ignore.

For one thing, Vance claimed that the real danger to Europe is not Russia or China, but threats from within. That is just a stunningly DUMB remark. Russia invaded a sovereign European country (Ukraine) three years ago, and China threatens Europe economically. Beyond that, Vance is vice-president to a president that led an insurrection against this country in January 2021 because he did not want to leave office. It should be noted that the same president is musing about running for a third term even though doing so would be unconstitutional. When Vance criticizes Europe for being anti-democratic in its opposition to Neo-Nazi parties, he is being incredibly hypocritical.

Vance, as he often does, issued statements with no basis in reality. He criticized Scotland for banning prayer in safe zones at abortion clinics, asserting that the law would criminal private prayer at home. That is not even close to being the truth. The ban on activities applies only to the safe access zone around abortion clinics so that patients will not feel intimidated and threatened. 

Vance also condemned the cancellation of the election in Romania because of Russian interference in its election. Not only is it the height of arrogance for the U.S. to comment on other countries' elections when there is so much disinformation and voter suppression that goes on in ours, but we don't support other countries' interference in our own elections! 

It should be noted that Vance had an unintentionally ironic line when he presented an example of a journalist being jailed when in this country the Associated Press has been banned from the White House for refusing to refer to the Gulf of Mexico as the Gulf of America. It was equally ironic that Vance decried shutting people out of the political process where MAGA has done that with voter suppression laws and gerrymandering.

In short, Vance's speech was an embarrassment, and, as German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius observed, the comparison of European democracies to authoritarian regimes was "unacceptable."