Monday, August 24, 2009

Idiot Prejean for President

According to the St. Petersburg (FL) Times, former Miss USA contestant Carrie Prejean may be throwing her tiara into the political ring -- except, of course, she doesn't have one to throw.

Times political editor Adam C. Smith reported that Prejean declared, "I definitely have a high interest in politics," during a state Republican Party conference. Prejean added, "I love Sarah Palin. I think she's amazing."

Oh, gee, didn't see that one coming.

Now, there's a ticket -- Palin and Prejean. From media victims to leaders of the free world.

Unfortunately, they would have to wait until 2024, when Prejean would be at least 35 -- the minimum age to be Vice-President. That might not be a bad thing. If Palin starts to study now, she may be minimally qualified to have enough knowledge to be chief executive.


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